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Basics of Facebook Ad Placement

Marketing Strategy
Nadia Alam Borsha
6 mins read

Managing your ads perfectly will result in a successful ad campaign. Figuring out where your ads are suitable and effective is an important part of managing ads. Because, where you advertise can have a great impact on your campaign.

What is Facebook Ad Placement?

Facebook ad placements is a process that lets you decide where your Facebook ads will appear. Usually the default option in the settings is automation but it might not always be the best choice. The automation process can put your ads somewhere that may be inappropriate or not suitable for your business. 

If you are new with targeting or don't have access to adept automation platforms like Markopolo.ai, you need to know more about ad placements. This article will help you navigate your way through the best practices of Facebook ad placements.

Facebook Ad Placement

Importance of Managing Your Ad Placements

By managing where your ads will appear it becomes easier to get to your target audience. You can aim straight for your goal and avoid all the unnecessary hassle depending on your ad format and objective. 

With Facebook ad placements you can also block websites and platforms. If you're advertising in Facebook audience network then your ad might appear in any of third-party websites and apps Facebook uses. You can block inappropriate websites and maintain your business’s standards.

The location of your ads can impact your cost and click through rate because different platforms charge different amounts of money for each ad and the audience engagement can vary too. So, it’s a very good way to manage your campaigns within budget too!

Facebook Ad Placements Choices

Facebook lets you manage your ads in these following platforms and places:


With Facebook you can choose any of the placements mentioned below. But all options might not be available for mobile or desktop.

  1. Facebook newsfeed: this is an efficient place to put your ads as they are most likely to get to your target audience. You can view the ads from both mobile and desktop. Users can comment, like, and share these posts.
  2. Suggested videos: with this option Users will get a list of recommended videos when they finish watching a video. You have to pay in order to put your ads in recommended videos. If you can make the ad interesting and relevant enough there's a higher chance of getting a good response. 
  3. Marketplace: It is a great way to advertise since it's a place for buyers and sellers. And this option works for both mobile and desktop. So placing your ads on Facebook's marketplace will definitely increase click through rate (CTR).
  4. Stories: this option is only available for mobile. These stories can be images or short videos. They appear somewhere in the users feed and have a very effective way for brand awareness.
  5. In-stream videos: whenever a user is watching a video on Facebook these ads are shown at some point and they can’t go back to the video until the ad is over. Even though it is not a very pleasant way to advertise it is still used by many businesses. 
  6. Right column: these ads are easy to miss and not as popular as other ones. This option is only available for desktop users.

Instagram ads and how it looks

 Instagram is a very popular platform for advertising but unlike Facebook it has only two types of placements.

  1. Feed: these ads can be videos, images that are shown in the users feed. In Instagram only these ads can feature clickable links in a users feed. It is a great way to get responses from your audience. But they do cost more than other placements.
  2. Stories: Even if it's for only 15 seconds Instagram stories but they are worth it. It's a great way of advertising with a higher engagement rate. Although it can cost from 0.20$ for CPC (cost per click) and about 6.70$ for CPM (cost per mile).  

Facebook Messenger

For Facebook messenger placements you have three choices.

  1. Inbox: users can see these ads in their messenger inbox. Depending on relevance there's a high chance they'll click.
  2. Sponsored massages: The ad will appear in the users inbox as a message, as if the business had reached out to them. Users will see a message and a call to action when they open the message. This encourages users to send messages to your business. 
  3. Stories: Just like the other platforms, stories are an important place for advertisement.

Facebook Audience Network

Audience Network is a network that allows publishers to advertise on third-party sites in addition to Facebook. The network serves both an in-app and   off-app advertising platform for a variety of mobile apps.

  • Rewarded videos: This placement is mainly for gaming apps. The ads give the audience a chance to test out the game so they can get an idea about it before downloading.
  •  Banner and interstitial: this placement is suitable for any kind of business. These ads will appear in any website associated with Facebook unless you have put them on your block list. 
  • In stream videos: This works exactly like Facebook's news feed option except it's on websites other than Facebook. 

How to Improve Your Ad Placements

To successfully manage your ad placements first you can take the automation process for a spin. This will give you ideas on which places generate more traffic, which platform is more cost effective and efficient at the same time and what your audience responds to the most. 

Now that you have an idea on what you're targeting and where you want your ads to be it's time to switch to manual mode. It's good to make a block list for the websites that don't seem appropriate for your business. And always keep track of how your ads are doing. Keep an eye out for statistics too. 

Final Thoughts

By understanding the Facebook ad placements better, you can minimize your cost and reach out to your target audience in the best possible way. So be sure to optimize your placements and enjoy robust growth!

Also, check out this article for the best tips and tricks to boost your CTA game.

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