When the world was hit by the coronavirus, most businesses turned to digital mediums. Even though e-commerce was already a booming industry, many other industries have joined digital platforms to showcase their services, products, and expertise.
As more and more people turn to digital platforms, the importance of digital marketing and its impact is growing. I have been working in the digital marketing industry for years now. In my experience, I have found that some basic hacks can boost your digital marketing and have a greater impact on your clients. In this article, I try to highlight some easy hacks that I have found to be impactful.
Creating a Brand Guideline Matters
A brand guideline is an instruction manual that helps you set guidelines on how to communicate your brand. It helps to outline visual details and what message your brand is trying to communicate. Brand guidelines are very important because they create a consistent presence in your target audience.
For example, Grameenphone maintains a consistent color palette in all their marketing content. As a result, if you show any random advertisement of Grameenphone to a person in Bangladesh, they will not need to see the brand’s name in the advertisement to decide that the advertisement is for Grameenphone.
Consistency Matters
Uploading content on digital platforms with a consistent interval is a very important aspect. Consistency is important because many of the social media platforms that are popular hosts of businesses have unique algorithms that keep you on your audiences’ news feed based on the engagement rates of your content.
For example, Instagram- a social media platform that hosts collaboration between influencers and brands, will not show your content as regularly on your follower’s news feed if your content is not aired at consistent intervals.
Content Matters
How you communicate your message through your content has a unique impact on your audience. In this case study by Abir Ershad, we see that standing out is very important. Standard ways to communicate your messages do not get people to care about your content as much as a content that is unique and out of the box does. How your content adds value to your audience is significant.
For example, the high performing content in this case study was offering entertainment as a value for its audience. Standard designs do not always appeal to people. Audiences on digital platforms are more likely to engage with content they can relate with.

Automate Your Work
New businesses usually start with a small team number. While there are a bazillion responsibilities, there are not enough people. However, it is usually very imperative to micromanage your marketing efforts. This is exactly where automation comes in.
In this fast-growing tech world, it is quite easy to find solutions for your marketing efforts. For example, companies like Markopolo.ai offer automated solutions using artificial intelligence to make sure your efforts are impacting your audiences and bringing you results. The company promises that “Markopolo's smart algorithm delivers exceptional creativity and conversion. The platform leverages the collective intelligence of real users to deliver bespoke creative and campaign optimization that deliver Return on Interest.”
Are you starting out with TikTok marketing? Check out our beginner's guide!